
The Trust has been donated a few copies of Major General John Graham’s book, first published in 1999 in a limited run of a few hundred copies.Born in 1923 he served first in the Isle of Wight Home Guard then as a Private in the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders before being commissioned in 1942. Wounded and later Mentioned in Despatches during the crossing of The Rhine he served in Palestine immediately after the war. In 1962, after being told he would not command The Argyll’s, he transferred to the Parachute Regiment and commanded 1 Para 1964-67.In 1970, Graham was selected...
Look the part with a RMAS Crested notebook
british army militarybook rmas Royal Military Academy Sandhurst servetolead stationery

Look the part with a RMAS Crested hardback notebook.
The all new RMAS Bobble Hat
clothing hat leadership rmas Royal Military Academy Sandhurst servetolead winter

Back in February 2021 during a Zoom call to discuss new products for the Sandhurst Trust shop, a Lt Colonel suggested we started selling a RMAS bobble hat. The Sandhurst Trust team all agreed this was a great idea and set about trying to source a suitable supplier. Wherever possibly we like to work with UK based suppliers for our product range. The Big Bobble Hat company was suggested to us by a staff member at the Academy who had purchased hats for their cycling mad partner. The company was formed in 2010, and with all products designed in Scotland...
Recollections of RMA Sandhurst 1947-1948 By Capt (Ret) I. F Dallison OBE RE (Intake 1)
heritage militaryhisttory rmas Royal Military Academy Sandhurst servetolead

Before the war Sandhurst had been the home of the Royal Military College where potential officers for all Corps and Regiments, except Royal Artillery and Royal Engineers, were trained. The latter had been trained at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, known as "The Shop". Both these establishments had been closed at the outbreak of war. Sandhurst had then been used as an OCTU to train conscripted officers for a wartime commission. In 1947 it was re-opened for the training of Regular officers for the whole Army. One 'Major difference between pre-war regular officer cadets and ourselves was that pre-war they...
RMAS Alumni share their knowledge in a range of new books
leadership militarybook public speaking rmas Royal Military Academy Sandhurst servetolead